A Saint for Bloggers

St. Francis de Sales is patron of Catholic writers.  As a blogger, therefore, I happily claim him as a patron of "me." As the Church celebrates his feast on January 24th, I can imagine him sitting in the world of today with a laptop, clicking out the good news that indeed Jesus lives. 

Francis wrote voluminously.  Not only is he known for his books, but for his (numerous) letters.  He also composed short pamphlets for wide distribution, to help clarify the faith in a time when confusion abounded.  I like to imagine him patting today's Catholic bloggers on the back, encouraging us to "keep it up" as we distribute our witness to the Truth in THIS age of the Church and in our turbulent world.     

St. Francis was a bishop and founder of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary; he was a busy man in France in the early 1600s. Still, he found time to take up his quill pen and spread the good news of Christ. As we clack away at our keyboards, often in the wee hours of the morning or while a baby naps, I'd like to think our patron is praying for us.     

I have a feeling he is doing just that. 


  1. Yes, I think we can claim him as our patron. He is also patron of the Deaf, because of his deaf servant Martin. Some theologians thought that the Deaf couldn't receive the Gospel since they couldn't hear it. St Francis de Sales changed that perception.

    1. Thank you, Father, for calling our attention to another very important area of St. Francis de Sales' patronage.

  2. I've just been looking at my post on this day three years ago and found I had written, 'Maybe he would be a blogger if he were around today'. http://bangortobobbio.blogspot.com/2009/01/patron-of-journalists-and-of-deaf.html

    However, my post was more about his involvement with the profoundly deaf Martin and how he instructed him in the faith and enabled him to develop his potential at a time when the Deaf were considered to be mentally disabled. As I write this I think of Jean Vanier and his great desire to enable each person with a learning disability to develop his or her full potential within the community. St Francis brought about a change in perception by his practical love for one person, Martin. Jean Vanier's L'Arche movement began with his inviting two men, Raphael Simi and Philippe Seux, who lived in an institution to come to his home.

    1. I went to your 2009 post and am so glad to have this information. I'd known St. Francis was patron of the deaf, but had previously found only an outline of the reason. This is excellent - thank you. I hope others will go to your link above.

  3. I have just read your post of 01/2009, it was enlightening. I had never heard of Martin before. St Francis is a wonderful example of charity, truly heartwarming post Father.
    Blessings and prayers,


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