Peter ALMOST Walks on Water: Gospel Reflection for Aug. 4

Matthew 14:22-36 , Jesus Walks on the Water
Put yourself in the scene of today’s gospel.
 Waves are pounding a little wooden fishing boat  as a storm rages all around you when suddenly, through the blowing wind and water spray,  you see someone or something walking on the water towards you. Quite disconcerting, wouldn’t you say?
 Of course, the disciples think they are seeing a ghost until Jesus quells their fears. Remarkably Peter responds to this wonderous sight by boldly declaring, 

“Lord, if it is you, bid me come to you on the water.”

Now that is a sign of great faith for me. Jesus invites Peter out to join him by merely saying come. “Come.” Without hesitation, Peter gets out of the boat and walks on the water. read more>


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