The Fine Line Between Gracious Hospitality and Entertaining to Impress


I mentioned in my post a couple of weeks back about having hosted a potluck get-together most Fridays this summer.  We just had our last one of the season a few days ago.

Issuing this invitation was a huge step for me.  Although I've often hosted holiday meals and birthday celebrations, opening my home on a weekly basis seemed next to impossible.  Normally when hosting, I'd plan weeks in advance what to cook and would go out of my mind trying to figure out how to maintain company-clean amid daily life. 

What caused me to take the plunge and have people over almost every Friday?  I realized that it was the sin of pride, a lack of humility, and fear of what I think someone might think of me that was holding me back (and my family), from enjoying an even more rich and full life, even in this small way.   Sinful pride left me with little time and energy to put on the mask of perfection when there wasn't a compelling reason to do so.

 The fine line between hospitality and entertaining has everything to do with our attitude.   Is our focus on ourselves and nurturing how we appear to others or is our focus on our guests and nurturing them by anticipating needs and tending to them?

To read more, visit The Sincere Gift 


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