When Your Child Contradicts You…

It’s normal for kids, especially toddlers, to go through phases when they are contrary and contradictory toward just about everything. I know this. I’ve known this since before having kids, so I knew to expect it. But KNOWING that all kids go through a phase like this is very different than handling it when it comes.
To be honest, I know that I have it pretty easy. Both of our kids are willing and eager to learn, and the “terrible twos” haven’t been that terrible for either of them. They’re both very verbal kids (I know where that’s coming from!), which also makes things easier, because they works hard to express themselves in words, so we’re able to talk a lot of things through and avoid potential explosions.
But, there are still days when it seems like one (or both!) of our kids is contradicting us ALL DAY LONG. And today was one of those days. BOTH of our little ones have been absolutely determined to make sure we thoroughly understand that they have strong minds and wills of their own.
Happy as I am that both of my boys are further discovering their self-identity, learning how to express themselves, and trying to learn how to function within their environment, balancing their desires with the limits placed on them, these days stretch my parental patience to the limit (or beyond the limit?), and leave me feeling like a snarling lioness.
I’m always looking for more ways to help both myself and my kids through these days, so I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve found helpful in case some of you are looking for similar strategies! Here are some things you can do to help when your child contradicts you.
To read the rest of this post, head over to Eyes On Heaven.


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