Question 1: What is theology and why should I study it?

I'm embarking on a new project of translating the Summa Theologiae from "English" to English. It's a process of trying to simplify the language and examples to what I can relate to. You can look at it as an informal summary of the Summa. It's already making me think overtime--I hope it proves useful to you too!

Here is Question 1

Why should I study theology?

Objection: It seems like we can learn everything we need to from science, experience and philosophy. All these are based on human reason: but theology is not based on human reason. It’s beyond what human reason can know, and so we shouldn’t study it.

Reply: Some truths cannot be explained by science, experience and ph
ilosophy, but only by theology (for example, the nature of man’s final purpose). There are also truths that can be discovered by science, experience and philosophy, but which are harder to discover without the guidance of God through theology. And the reason why it is important to know both the nature of man’s final purpose, and the truth about reality (as can be discovered by science, experience and philosophy) is because it makes us more likely to strive for holiness and salvation.


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