Promote Catholic Indie Authors

I am one of 5 Catholic Women Bloggers who wrote about our experiences and discoveries mothering. We really have not launched this little gem properly and so it remains buried under all the other indie books.

Yesterday, I stumbled on a site which promotes Indie authors. If you vote for our book, we could win $300. One book wins each month. I am not sure if I am slated for November with only two days left or not, but most books only have one or two votes with one with 36 votes. We can submit our book once a month. Each author can only win once a year.

We only need 30 more votes - The money would allow all of us to buy books to have on hand to give or sell to family, friends of people interested in promoting Love Rebel.

How to vote- You must register first, but it is easy and there are no few fees. Simply click on link 



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