Murder and Mystery - Preparing for Christmas 2016

I want to tell you about a criminal who escaped from justice even though he had committed terrible atrocities, including murder. He avoided punishment because the authorities who should have condemned him, were delighted that he was doing their dirty work for them. When he caught his victims, he had them flogged and thrown into prison before putting them to death. Who was this devil incarnate and what finally happened to him? He was a Jew called Saul who finally became a saint called Paul. He confessed his crimes to Jesus himself, as you can see if you read the Acts of the Apostles (22:17-21). Jesus not only forgave him but told him a great mystery, a secret that he had not told anyone whilst he was alive on earth, at least not the whole of it. We are preparing to celebrate the beginning of this secret, this mystery, in only a few weeks’ time, so I want to do for you what St Paul did for the very first Christians.          read on....


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