Prayer For The Sanctification Of Priests

We continue to pray this month for priests, that they may always be true witnesses to the caring and merciful love of God.

Prayer For The Sanctification Of Priests

O God our Father, rich in mercy, who in the Blood and Water which flowed from the Heart of Christ, your Son and our Lord, poured out your infinite love upon all humanity, we beg you to grant that we may respond faithfully to your goodness which has made us ministers of reconciliation among our brothers and sisters.

Let us pray together saying: Pour out your mercy upon us, OLord!

1. For all priests scattered throughoutthe world, that they may rediscover their priestly vocation as a "mystery of mercy" and, drawing plentifully from the sacramental source of the Eucharist and Reconciliation, may become channels of mercy for the world, let us pray:

2. For the new evangelization, at the dawn of this millennium, that in every priest the Lord may inspire a deep desire for holiness in his own specific state to live the primacy of holiness and to act in the world as a contemplative of his merciful love, let us pray:

3. For priests who are ill or in any kind of difficulty, that our prayer may reach them all and give them true spiritual consolation, that it may strengthen their certainty of the Lord's love for them, which is also manifest in the sign of his Cross, let us pray:

4. For those called to the priesthood, that their choice may be motivated solely by the desire to glorify God and to serve him in their brethren, communicating to them the gifts of the divine mercy of the Lord who came to find those who were lost and to restore to life those who lived no longer, let us pray:

5. For the unity of priests, among themselves and with their bishops, so that Christ's true charity may reign among them, to form one body and one spirit united with the Pope in effective communion and thus setting an example to the world that can conquer it for the saving mission of Jesus, let us pray:

6. For priests who are in difficulty, so that, through prayer, they may accept enlightenment from the Lord in order to rediscover the joy of their identity as men in the world but not of the world, consecrated in the truth and witnesses of the Cross and the Resurrection, let us pray:

7. That all of us gathered here may taste the Lord's goodness today and for ever and, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, may find ourselves loved and pardoned in Christ by God the Father, let us pray:

8. That all priests who have passed on to eternity may live joyfully the splendour of the heavenly liturgy in the blessed vision of peace, let us pray:


  1. It must be very hard to be a priest. I know I could not be one. May God bless all those good priests that provide service to the laity like me. I truly appreciate your work.


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