A Message for Graduates!

Here is a video EVERY high school graduate and their parents need to hear. It is good for the rest of us as well.  It is a commencement address given by Bishop Robert Barron to a high school class of 2020.

It is packed with gems like his jaw-dropping quote from David Brooks that we should not be seeking a life filled with "resume values" but "eulogy values."

What he means is that we should consider what we want people to remember about us, what they will recall about our life when it is time for our eulogy to be given, and live that life.

He acknowledges the importance of a resume that highlights worldly accomplishments, but suggests creating a life founded on eulogy values, where at your death, people can recall your sound character, goodness and love, or as he puts it--the magnanimity of your soul.

But don't take my word for it.  In this all-encompassing talk about the wider vision of life, it gives a great overview that offers a significant message about the choices we make in life.

I don't think his clear explanations will be lost on a 17 year old.  From what I have heard over the years, our young people think more deeply than we ever give them credit for.

In the end, Bishop Barron gives this wonderful story about St. Thomas More and some advice he gave to a young man who was seeking a worldly position of power and notoriety--definitely something a young graduate will appreciate.

After you manage to get your graduate to sit down and listen to this with you, I would recommend following up with a discussion about the message Bishop Barron is giving.  Ask them what they think about what he's saying and how it might apply to their life.

Who knows, you might even learn a thing or two about their dreams for the  future and see your own in a new light.

Here's the link.  Enjoy!

Janet Cassidy


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