
Showing posts with the label by Victor S.E. Moubarak

Lenten Reflections

When HOPE is totally LOST

People often face despair. Some more than others, and for longer periods than others. Periods when darkness haunts our lives for days on end. Sometimes, people suffering with incurable disease and constant pain decide they can take it no more and choose to end their lives. Others, in what they perceive to be totally unsolvable situations in total despair decide to commit suicide. Please continue reading HERE

How important are you? Really?

How important are you? Really? Who are you exactly? Find out HERE .

The temptations of Christ

  In this story Father Ignatius teaches about the temptations of Christ. It was Friday once again and Father Ignatius was at school with the youngsters at Catechism class. They had just read the passage in the Bible about Jesus in the desert and the temptations of Satan. Please continue reading HERE

Love thy neighbour - A Father Ignatius story by Victor S E Moubarak

In this story Father Ignatius teaches an important lesson about loving one's neighbours ...  “Jesus answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ ” Father Ignatius stopped reading from the Gospel of St Matthew Chapter 22 and looked up at the congregation sitting there. “And that’s where the problem lies,” he said, “love your neighbor as you love yourself. “It’s almost too difficult for some people; and do you know why?" PLEASE CONTINUE READING HERE

Victor on the radio

Many years ago I presented a Radio Program entitled "Time for Reflections". If you have ten minutes or so to spare this short clip may be of interest. Please click HERE .

Sleepwalking into hell - A Father Ignatius story by Victor S E Moubarak

This is a must-read story whereby Father Ignatius preaches and warns about the perils of hell. Father Ignatius’ sermon started with a warning. “You will not like my sermon today!” he declared. “In fact I don’t like it myself and I would rather be giving you a different sermon. A gentle one which tickles your ears and makes you feel warm and comfortable. “The reason I don’t particularly like this sermon is because perhaps it speaks to me too as well as all of you. Continue reading HERE

Father Ignatius Books

Did you know you can download ALL Father Ignatius books FREE? And once downloaded they can be either printed or copied onto CD/DVD or whatever electronic media you wish? Just click HERE

At Heaven's Doorstep - by Victor S E Moubarak

I stood at the doorsteps of Heaven in full anticipation. It was not a large Pearly Gate shining brightly as we’ve often been told and is depicted in some pictures; no … this was just a small wooden door. A humble ordinary wooden door with no sign or any distinguishing features foretelling where it led to. I remembered the quote from the Bible: “Knock and it shall be opened to you …”   Please continue reading HERE

"When disaster happens" - A Father Ignatius story by Victor S E Moubarak

In this story Father Ignatius teaches us how to deal with life when things go wrong. His advice may surprise you ... “We interrupt this programme to bring you a News Flash …” blared the radio in the kitchen. Father Ignatius stopped his cooking for a minute and listened attentively. There had been a train crash not far from where he lived. Somehow the train was de-railed and fell down a steep embankment into a nearby river. There were a number of casualties as well as many injuries. The priest rang the emergency number given by the radio announcer to enquire how he might help. He was asked to go to the local hospital to donate blood, and also to help comfort some of the not seriously wounded. To continue reading please click HERE

A Father Ignatius Story - "60" by Victor S E Moubarak

A story where Father Ignatius tackles a problem we may all face from time to time ... Father Ignatius was very observant. He knew most of his parishioners by name and he noticed their moods, habits and behaviors and he reacted to them according to circumstances. One early evening he came out of the Sacristy and he noticed that Mrs Holingsworth was arranging the flowers on the Altar and by the numerous statues of Saints around the church silently. She usually hummed her favorite hymns under her breath whilst working; but not today. “Everything OK Denise?” he asked with a smile. “I suppose so Father,” she replied glumly, “I was just thinking that’s all …” To continue reading please click HERE