
Homeschool Tips for Next Year

School is almost out over here at the Academy of St Therese for the Glories of God .  It has me thinking quite a bit about next year.  There is so much I want to do, but only so many hours in a day and these kids are growing like weeds!  Here are some tips to keep the homeschool ball rolling AND enjoy your children's childhood. Visit Veils and Vocations to read more.

Good Intentions

Variations on "dead men tell no tales" go back at least to 1560 or thereabouts in my language. The idea is much older. 1 As advice goes, it's arguably flawed. Folks who are dead aren't chatty, but their bodies occasionally pop up at inopportune times. I'll be talking about unmarked and unremembered graves, insane asylums, and similarly-uncheerful things. It's not all bad news, though. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

What's the point of it all - really?


5 Ways to Reduce Your ADHD Symptoms

In the early 2000s, when I first began to uncover my own ADHD, I came across an invaluable list of  50 tips for managing Attention Deficit  from Drs. Ed Hallowell and John Ratey.  I still have my original copy of the list printed off from the World Wide Web (see below), with all my notes jotted along the margins. In today's blog, I am sharing not only their life-changing advice but also  my personal experience with Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity disorder  and how I used these suggestions to transform my life. Educate yourself “Perhaps the single most powerful treatment for ADD is understanding ADD in the first place. Read books. Talk with professionals. Talk with other adults who have ADD. You'll be able to design your own treatment to fit your own version of ADD.” (Hallowell & Ratey) Nonfiction is my preferred reading . Ironically, the origins for this preference most likely comes from living with ADHD. When I start to read fiction, my mind wanders; someti

PODCAST: A Confession Chicken Comes Clean

Once incredibly fearful of the Sacrament of Reconciliation - my experience with a friendly, enthusiastic priest changed all that.  Have you ever been called back into the confessional?   While I still get butterflies before a Confession [discomfort is good indication of contrition - more of that in the podcast below] over the years, the Holy Spirit has shown me what a true GIFT participating in this Sacrament is.  Do not thin of it as being made to go but of actually BEING ALLOWED to go to Confession!  God provides this amazing experience of actually HEARING the words, "Your sins are forgiven."  That is not all He gives us - he also takes our guilt, shame, and pain and fills us GRACE! His Holy Spirit within us, that Spirit which helps us to strive closer toward holiness, and so much more! 

As the Morning Rising: Beside Ourselves With Joy

As the Morning Rising: Beside Ourselves With Joy : This coming weekend I'll be attending a Sacrament of Confirmation celebration, a St Elisabeth Choir Concert ( An Orthodox Convent Ch...

Praying on Empty

In  lieu of a Book Review this week and a regular post, here is the Introduction to my latest book . . . A fat mother groundhog lives in the backyard of my convent. The other day I glanced out my window and thought I saw her standing like a statue. But no. It was an enormous bird! I grabbed my camera and dashed out the backdoor. Too late—the exotic creature flew off and disappeared. This experience is the perfect image for the subject of this book. God is sometimes as elusive as that bird. We yearn to come close to him, yet we can’t. Either God hides for some unfathomable reason, or we don’t have the knack of capturing him—not for a photo but for a heart-to-heart talk. If the title Praying on Empty has seized your attention, you probably know what I’m talking about. You used to like to pray. You felt connected to God and enveloped by divine love. Sometimes you had a flash of insight about God, life in general, or your own life. A Scripture passage spoke to you with a

Seeking Justice: My Time on Jury Duty

In the United States, a person is presumed innocent, until the State can prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that the person, charged with a crime, is guilty. I got to see the wheels of justice turn, first-hand, during the last week in April, while serving on  jury duty. A husband/father was accused of assaulting his wife and daughter; hence two counts of assault. The trial was fascinating, especially the jury selection part of the trial. I thought, for sure, I would be dismissed for two reasons: I have many years of training, as an auditor, where my job was to ascertain whether someone was telling the truth. Whichever side was planning to present sketchy information, I would surely figure it out. I have a Masters in Theology, and I teach morality. If I’ve learned anything over the past six years of study, it is that you do not draw a black or white, yes or no conclusion of a moral act, without considering intent and circumstances. For these reasons, I felt certain that eithe

The Heart of a Lion

My dad's name was Leon, but to his friends he was "Lee."  And to his "grandthings" he was "BIGFOOT." Always.  He insisted on that.  (If you were lucky enough to know my father, you know that he was a character.) Dad passed away on November 25, 2016, one day shy of his 82nd birthday and about five months after celebrating his 60th wedding anniversary with the love of his life. Mom and Dad on one of their early dates at the Naval Academy in 1955. The end seemed to come quickly and suddenly, and it took our breath away.  But Dad's death was not really unexpected; just a month and a half before, we had gotten the tragic news that after years of blood disorders, frequent trips to the hematologist, and regular transfusions at the cancer center, he had full-blown leukemia.  Without treatment, he had maybe 3-6 months to live; but there was a slim chance that chemotherapy might buy him a year or two.  He chose the chemotherapy route, because as hard

Let's Talk about Mental Health and Wellness

Today is the day. Let's talk about mental health openly and honestly for a minute. Let's be honest. And when I say honest, I mean opening a window of fresh air to the stale and stilted air that is still subtly threatening to stifle community ... (alliteration was one of my daughter's spelling words this week...ha.)   Robin Williams. Philip Seymour Hoffman. Kurt Cobain. This is the society we live in.  I share the following with those who know that they are living in the same world as these people. I share it with people who see society as a reflection of themselves, not an "other" that they don't understand. How many people do you  know  who have diagnosed mental illness? In my book, the more the better. { Read the rest Here }

My Mortal Sin


May for Mary (Spanish) Mes de Mayo: Mes de María

Estamos en el mes de mayo, es el mes que la tradición católica consagra a la Virgen María. La devoción a la Virgen María en el alma del cristiano va unida a nuestra fe ya que María no solamente es la Madre de Dios sino también Madre nuestra.    La Virgen María ocupa un lugar intermedio entre Dios y los Santos, que da origen a un culto del todo propio y especial, muy inferior al de Dios pero superior al de los Santos.

As the Morning Rising: His Holy Name

As the Morning Rising: His Holy Name : His Holy Name In this secular world There is one belief I hold dear: I am a child of God, I belong to Him who is perfect love. ...

Recognizing God's Presence in the Familiar

Last week the Gospel reading was from Luke 24 about the road to Emmaus. It is one of my favorite stories in the bible. After Jesus died on the cross, many of his disciples became sad and discouraged. In this story, two of his followers were headed back to Emmaus, to their old life, from Jerusalem because they were disheartened over Jesus' death. Jesus appeared and even walked with them along the road but at first they didn't recognize him. I have often found it baffling: How could they NOT recognize him! Yet, how often have I been in his presence and also didn't recognize him? Continue Reading @ beautifulthorns>

The Good News is Meant for Everyone!

In today’s reading from Acts 11:1-18, the Holy Spirit instructs Saint Peter, via a vision, to eat the food of the Gentiles. Per Leviticus 11:1-47, this type of food had been considered unclean. Any good Jew would refrain from eating such food. Yet, God had different thoughts. It was time to open the door to salvation to all. By telling Saint Peter to eat the Gentile food, He was telling Saint Peter that what man puts in his mouth is not as important as what is spoken from man’s mouth. It was time to share the Good News with those beyond the Jewish faith, specifically the Gentiles. As humans, we are social beings, meant to engage in social activity with each other. The breaking of bread together is one of the most advantageous means of engaging with each other, as well as setting the scene for effective evangelization. With the Good News meant for everyone... Read more...

Truth and Love

I take God very seriously. I also think people matter. I care deeply about truth and love. By some standards this isn't a particularly "religious" blog. For one thing, I keep saying that loving my neighbor and seeing everybody as my neighbor is a good idea. I'll get back to that. For another, I write about science each Friday; real science. And I don't see it as a threat. I don't 'believe in' science, in the sense that I expect it to replace God. That would be as silly as trying to find life's meaning in the second law of thermodynamics . It would also be a very bad idea.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

When We Are Mystics

"Is this life of union a special vocation for priests, religious, Saints, privileged persons, and mystical souls? Not at all.     This trusting and tender union with God is the very foundation of the spiritual life...." (read more)

As the Morning Rising: Happy Vocations Sunday!

As the Morning Rising: Happy Vocations Sunday! : These flowers were on display today in a school where First Holy Communion was being celebrated - you could hardly find a more fit...

The Faithful Pew

Hi! My name is Jacinta, and  “The Faithful Pew”  is my little hole in the digital universe where I can freely and openly express myself and my views in such a way that makes me feel somewhat significant. Ha!  ( Isn’t that usually what a blog is anyway? )  As probably most other bloggers out there, it is just a place where I write exactly what I believe and how that affects my view on things.  That’s pretty much all there is to it.  Aside from hoping that my little corner contributes to the saving of souls and bringing people closer to Our Lord and Our Lady, I also hope that if in any way my ( poorly written ) blog posts inspire others to  stand firmly in the True Faith, no matter the consequences  then… hurrah! If anything I am just happy to have a little place to call my own, to edit ( and re-edit…. and re-edit ) to my hearts content.  I have not gone to college nor have I taken any extra classes on writing ( as you may notice ), but as long as it is readable and perhaps one

As the Morning Rising: The wonder of our being, the beauty that surrounds...

As the Morning Rising: The wonder of our being, the beauty that surrounds... : At the beginning and at the end of the day we can praise and thank God, and celebrate the wonder of our being in the bea...

First Americans?

Scientists used new DNA screening tech to study caves in Belgium, Croatia, France, Russia, and Spain. What they found wasn't a big surprise. What's exciting about the news is that we now have another tool for unraveling our family history. We've been pretty sure that nobody lived in North America until about two dozen millennia back. That may change, if scientists who say they found 130,000-year-old tools in San Diego County, California. Quite a few other scientists are dubious, understandably. I took a longer look at what we've been learning about Homo naledi. They're folks who don't look like humanity's current model. We found their remains in a cave they probably used as a crypt. Since you may be reading my stuff for the first time, I'll review why I think truth is important. All truth, not just the bits I grew up knowing about. Also why I take the Bible seriously, but not 'creation science.'... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Sunday Reflections, Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year A. Columban ordination to diaconate.

The Good Shepherd, Martin van Cleve the Elder [ Web Gallery Readings (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings (Jerusalem Bible: ) Gospel John 10:1-10( NRSV, Catholic Edition , Canada) Jesus said: "Very truly, I tell you, anyone who does not enter the sheepfold by the gate but climbs in by another way is a thief and a bandit. The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. They will not follow a stranger, but they will run from him because they do not know the voice of strangers.” Jesus used this figure of speech with them, but they did not understand what he was saying to them. So again Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and bandits; but the

As the Morning Rising: Bluebells : Poems Portglenone

As the Morning Rising: Bluebells : Poems Portglenone : Portglenone Forest No amount of words spread wide Across this forest floor No loose alphabets of leaf mould that endure ...

Fatima, by Jean M. Heimann - Book Review

Fatima: The Apparition That Changed the World , by Jean M. Heimann, is a wonderful book that chronicles the Fatima apparitions of the Blessed Mother, including beautiful glossy pictures of the town, people and churches of the area. Multiple apparitions occurred at Fatima, Portugal between May 13, 1917 and October 13, 1917, visible to three young Portuguese children from that town. Most Catholics have heard the story of Fatima, possessing a vague idea of what occurred. In this book, Jean Heimann gives you an in-depth understanding of Mary’s purpose for the apparitions and the implication of her visit to the three chosen children. The story is riveting! I read the entire book in one afternoon! My takeaway from reading Fatima: The Apparition That Changed the World , is that... Read more...

Spring Cleaning: House, Body, and Soul

In just the past few days, the world outside my window has burst into bloom. A little tree filled with red blossoms is backed by a host of trees in various shades of green. The little azalea plant the mail carrier trods on when it's snow-covered still has buds. A woodpecker hammers a telephone pole. All is fresh. Now that the earth is renewed, I was motivated to renew my house and yard. The steps I took to accomplish this have parallels with our lives. First, I realized that I am a hoarder. Every carton, large and small, delivered to me during the past ten years I tossed into the attic for future use. My nephew the fireman would faint if he saw the collection. Large bags were stuffed with styrofoam packing peanuts and other packing material.  And drawers and boxes held reams of half clean paper intended for copying my manuscripts...which nowadays are only on computer files. So the cardboard and paper went into recycling bins, and the peanuts and 50 pieces of cardb

As the Morning Rising: Where Would They Go?

As the Morning Rising: Where Would They Go? : If there was no Mary-ness in us at all - neither in man nor woman, where would the sighs from earth go, for they would not have the power to...

Saint Joseph, the Worker Feast Day

Saint Joseph is so special to the Catholic faithful, that we have two feast days set aside each year to honor him: March 19 th (unless this date falls on a Sunday like it did this year, then it’s March 20th), and May 1 st . Typically, on March 19 th , we honor Saint Joseph as husband of Mary, and foster father to Jesus. We thank him for being such a good role model as a faithful husband and father. Today, we honor Saint Joseph, the Worker, a carpenter, by trade. He worked diligently to provide for his family. Humble in nature, compassionate in heart, Saint Joseph remained ever faithful to God, and Mary. Beyond his humility and compassionate nature, there is so much to admire about Saint Joseph, as he truly was a virtuous man in every respect. To this day, he continues to serve as an exemplar of virtue for men to follow. Read more...

To Love A Priest


My One Concern

(from The Cloistered Heart)

Help for Common ADHD Communication Issues

Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD) can present many challenges in completing one's education, holding down a job and maintaining personal relationships. I would know because in the course of my life with ADHD I've struggled in each area.  Although I remained undiagnosed until my early thirties, I am happy to share it is not too late to identify those challenges and make the necessary challenges to not only cope but succeed. My strategy has been to tackle one at a time. This required being brutally honest with myself, seeking the counsel of a trusted friend, and conducting lots of research to formulate a plan for change.  Most importantly, it required a humbling of myself and instead of continuing to blame God for my circumstance, to trust He had a plan for my good in allowing ADHD in my life. Excuse Me Are You Listening? Building meaningful personal relationships can be incredibly difficult when you are so stimulated by your surrounding environ