Today is a big day for Pope Benedict XVI.

“The most important moment of my life,” he recalls—sixty years ago, 29 June 1951, Joseph Ratzinger was ordained a priest.
“We were more than forty candidates, who, at the solemn call on that radiant summer day, which I remember as the high point of my life, responded Adsum, Here I am. We should not be superstitious; but, at that moment when the elderly archbishop laid his hands on me, a little bird—perhaps a lark—flew up from the high altar in the cathedral and trilled a little joyful song. And I could not but see in this a reassurance from on high, as if I heard the words ‘This is good, you are on the right way.’”
I know you’ll join me in offering Pope Benedict XVI our best wishes on the 60th anniversary of his priestly ordination.  Here are a few tidbits about Pope Benedict XVI you may not know.  Did you also know about the Pope's historic Tweet?  Sixty years later and now it's the Pope who's doing the tweeting...

Source: The VA.NEWS


  1. Thanks for this post Holly..wonderful

  2. Here's a link to an article about the part birds played in the life of a Columban priest while he was in gaol in China and at his funeral:

    'Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at thy altars, O LORD of hosts, my King and my God (Ps 84[83:3).

  3. Jackie~ Thank you Jackie!

    Fr Seán Coyle~ Thanks for that link Father ... what an incredible video. What an amazing man Father Aedan was!

    God Bless.


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