"A Story of Love and Life" from Delaware Right to Life

Some really great news to share from Delaware! The story below called "A Story of Love and Life," is from a blog post from the Delaware Right to Life blog that was originally posted by Jessica Ferraro. Click the title for the original posting A Story of Love and Life " On May 21st, the IHM pro-life community celebrated the first Mass for the Unborn which had a two-fold purpose: to remember and pray for those babies lost to abortion, and to bless those mothers who are expecting, and their babies. The music was beautiful and Msgr. Lemon gave an inspired homily on Life. A mother and daughter who were present at the Mass, left church and the mother went to a store by their home with her husband. There they saw a very pregnant girl sitting on the curb. Commenting to her husband that she had just left a Mass for the Unborn, she recognized that there was clearly something wrong for this girl and they stopped to ask if they could help her. Sh...