Saint Therese of Lisieux Feast Day

Today is the Feast day of Saint Therese of Lisieux, a 19 th century Carmelite nun, and Doctor of the Church. Saint Therese comes from a very devout Catholic family, where her parents, Marie-Azelle Guerin and Louis Martin, are also canonized saints of the Church. She was one of nine children, of which four died in childhood. Her remaining siblings were four sisters, who also became nuns. Saint Therese and Her “Little Way” Saint Therese is known for her “Little Way” – a way of simplicity and humility in serving Our Lord in the most mundane ways. For example, Saint Therese found value in doing the dishes without complaint. Although a Doctor of the Church, Therese was not a scholar of theology. Having lived only to the age of twenty-four, her education was not that extensive. Therefore, her “Little Way” is more of an example for all of us; educated and uneducated. Therese shows us how to ... Read more...