Money Matters: Honesty & Counsel (or lack there of)

Week 4 (Part B) - Honesty and Counsel This week forced me to take a very long hard look at my mindset towards what I admit and will share about my personal finances and what is really happening. Although my name Allison means "truthful one" and I do feel sometimes I am honest to fault; this week's teachings and ponderings on the topic of honesty made clear, there was some areas I saw okay to paint gray . There really is no legal or honest gray areas with regards to money, especially if those finances are shared. This week also challenged my filing system (or lack there of) and how pride had (and probably still does) hinder my seeking and accepting counsel. Let's evaluate these struggles & triumphs more closely ... FILING, HONESTY AND COUNSEL All Rights Reserved, Allison Gingras 2016