Bells, Bells, Bells...

Morning in the monastery: it starts with a bell. Come to think of it, most activities in the monastery start with a bell. Time to rise: the bell rings. Time to pray, eat, study, work, have recreation : the bell rings. Anyone who has spent time in a monastery knows the bell as at least a background. Monastics look upon it as the voice of God. In the dark silence of our monastery morning, the bell calls. It may not be all that welcome. It shatters our darkness and our dreams. If we don't live in a physical monastery, our bell might be a baby's cry. Or the insistent bleep of an alarm clock. And oh, our slumber has been so comfortable. Go away, we think as we slap at the snooze button; give me just a few more minutes. Let me have time with this dream... .. (continue reading)