What Really Happens at Holy Mass.

What Really Happens at the Holy Mass. This is where I am happiest, at the Holy Mass. Now I will tell you what really happens at Holy Mass. The Lord told me some time ago, "I want you to go to Holy Mass everyday." I thought, "O.k., I can do that." At the time I was only going to Holy Mass once a week, an occasional day Mass but I mostly just prayed in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I didn't understand, but I obeyed. Going to Holy Mass everyday required some coordination, I would have to get up earlier and find a Mass along the way to work. Also, the Mass would have to be close enough to work that when it was finished I could still get to work on time. I found several different permanent options, and a few back up plans if for some reason I couldn't get to my regular daily Mass. It took about a year of going to Holy Mass daily, but then things started to change. This was no longer an obligation, but a joy! God star...