Kingdom of Happiness, by Fr. Jeffrey Kirby S.T.D - Book Review

I was graced to receive Kingdom of Happiness , by Fr. Jeffrey Kirby S.T.D., as a Christmas present from my church, in appreciation for my volunteer efforts. I thought, “ what a nice idea .” I’m a big fan of Fr. Kirby, having read his last book, Doors of Mercy . So, receiving Kingdom of Happiness seemed like a nice gesture to me. It turned out to be more than a nice gesture. It was a God-incidence! You see, I’ve been looking for a good book to share with you, one with lots of virtue built into it. As always, Fr. Kirby never lets me down! Embracing the Beatitudes brings the Kingdom of Happiness to Our Doorsteps In Kingdom of Happiness , Fr. Jeffrey Kirby not only tells us about the eight Beatitudes, but he masterfully connects the dots of each beatitude, to: An aligned phrase from the Our Father, A specific Gift of the Holy Spirit that we received at Confirmation, The corresponding virtue, AND The antithesis of that virtue, or as Fr. Kirby calls it, the anti-beatitude (the ...