
Showing posts with the label Joseph N Tylenda SJ

For Friends in Crisis

Today I take one last stroll through "Prayerful Thoughts of St. Ignatius of Loyola," this time searching for wisdom in the face of my friends' deep suffering. ©Rick Schroeppel/Getty Images Please join me in prayer at Praying with Grace .


©Medioimages/Photodisc/Getty Images "Not only among men, but not even among angels is there anything more noble than glorifying the Creator." -St. Ignatius of Loyola Join me at Praying with Grace to read more Ignatian insights into the glory of God.

Prayerful Thoughts from St. Ignatius of Loyola

I wanted to pray "for families" today. Then I looked in my little book of Ignatian thoughts and realized that's too vague. His words challenge me to become a better wife and mother myself--THAT is an important step in praying for families! Open this booklet with me at Praying with Grace !

What I Found in Some Boxes

You need a few minutes to pray. That's what St. Ignatius thinks, anyway. I've got just what you need. Join me at Praying with Grace !