Announcing Marriage Rx: Our New Marriage Advice Series on CatholicMom

I'm thrilled to announce Marriage Rx , a new monthly marriage advice column from me and my husband, Catholic psychiatrist Dr. Manuel P. Santos! It will appear monthly on on the fourth Monday. I'll also repost on the Can We Cana? blog. My husband and I have already received lots comments and questions to feature in future columns. Please keep them coming! How Marriage Rx Can Help You Most marriages encounter bumps and trouble spots along the way. But Catholics don’t view marriage as disposable. We want to fix our marriage, not throw it away. If you’re looking for Catholic marriage advice from someone who understands the powerful and healing graces of the Sacrament of Matrimony, Marriage Rx can give you answers that will truly help. It’s anonymous. When you submit questions, you don’t have to use your full name, or even your real name. Just email us at and look for the answer in an upcoming column. ...