Where Does Evil Come From?

Where does Evil Come From? In the beginning God Said, "Let there be light." And there was light. God creates with His word, and when He gave the angels free will He also gave them this ability to create out of their words, although to a much lesser degree. God is all good, there is no darkness in Him. However, having infinite knowledge of His creation, He knew of evil as a concept (because God knows all things), but evil only existed in the mind of God as a concept, a potentiality. When he gave the angels free will they two had a knowledge of what rebellion what evil was as a concept, otherwise their will would not be free because they would have no other choice but the good God. It was a concept, and so as to truly choose God freely, they were given knowledge of "another way". Again, this was only a concept in the mind of God and the angels, at this time evil did not yet exist. God did not create evil, even though He knew...