Find God in Your Own Home, Especially in This Tiime of Crisis

I hope that you are still staying at home, sheltering in place, doing your part to help abate the Coronavirus. Yesterday was Easter Sunday, a joyous day when we celebrate Christ’s rising from the dead. My original plan was to attend the Easter Vigil, as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Coordinator, to see six people receive their sacraments. I’ve worked with these folks for months, getting them ready for this day. Yet, on this Easter Sunday, the churches in my Diocese are still closed, with Easter Sunday Mass streamed across the internet. I know that God is present everywhere, and at all times, but let’s face it. It’s just not the same, when you cannot receive the Eucharist during the holy sacrifice of the Mass. So, on this Easter Sunday, I needed to find God in my own home. Find God in Your Home Yesterday, we watched Mass on our computer. We still got to hear our Pastor give an excellent homily. No Eucharist, but we were still able to find God in our home. Ho...