The Stoning: Has No One Condemned You?

In today’s Gospel the Pharisees test Jesus. They bring to Him a woman accused of adultery. According to Mosaic law, such an offense results in the stoning of the woman. So, the Pharisees, looking to convict Jesus, put forth this quandary before Him. It is wrong to kill (a violation of the 5 th Commandment), but it is also wrong to commit adultery (a violation of the 6 th Commandment). Do two wrongs make it right? Rather than answering their implied question, Jesus starts writing in the sand. No biblical scholars ever ascertained what Jesus wrote, but whatever it was, it caused everyone to depart, leaving Jesus alone with the woman. Jesus asks the woman, “ Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you ?” (John 8:10) Forgiven, Not Condemned The woman responded that no one condemned her. Jesus then responds to the woman, “ Neither do I condemn you. Go and from now on do not sin anymore .” (John 8:11) It is here that Jesus shows us how to rectify a bad situation ...