Introducing - Victor S E Moubarak

Victor is an occasional contributor to this Blog and a frequent reader too. He is well recognised in his town by the blue cowboy hat with orange feather which he always wears and colorful shirts with red tartan trousers. He also wears different colored socks - red and blue, or yellow and orange, green and mauve - to remind him which one is the left and right foot. He started a campaign that socks should be sold in threes rather than in pairs, to make it easier to get a matching pair when you pull them out of the drawer. He speaks French fluently and once ordered a whole meal in a restaurant in French to impress his guests. it was an Italian restaurant. Whilst in Paris years ago he had lunch at one of those out-door open-air restaurants where they put the tables on the sidewalk so that you may enjoy the view. As soon as he was served his meal it started to rain ... not much rain, just a light constant drizzle. It took him ages to finish the soup! A very cautious man who ...