Update: Palm Sunday

My annual Palm Sunday project is finished! I wove five palm fronds into these cone shapes. I will keep the green vase on my dresser next to a statue of Our Lady and the Christ Child. The blue and white vase will be in my prayer/music practice room next to my crucifix. My woven palms I am a lector in my parish. This morning I had the honor of reading the First Reading, Isaiah 50:4-7, which was the prophetic third Song of the Suffering Servant. It is a reading that reminds us to listen before speaking, always wise advice for anyone. I was also the narrator for the Gospel Reading, the Passion according to Luke. When I read, I get absorbed in what I'm reading, and certain parts resonate with me during the process. When Peter denied Jesus three times, as the Lord had predicted he would, the cock crowed and Jesus turned and looked at Peter. The gaze of Jesus hurt Peter. He wept bitterly, remorsefully. As I re...