Medjugorje: I DON'T believe and Why.

People do not realize how deceptive the demon is and how careful we must be to avoid his traps. There are so many reasons to question this apparition and to seek God for discernment. 1. The apparition makes Our Blessed Mother look foolish, benign and irrelevant. When you look at the apparitions at Fatima and Lourdes, they were limited, specific in location and nature. This is not the case at Medjugorje. These 'seers' having visions of our Blessed Mother where ever THEY are which is not in accordance with our Mother's dignity and grace. She 'speaks' everyday, and is very repetitive in her messages. The demon is not above speaking what he knows is true if it will water down that truth. The 'seers' see the Blessed Virgin no matter where THEY go. In the past it was Our Lady that asked the visionary to come to her, the messages were specific, urgent and very relevant. The messages were also brief in length and scope. Whe...