
Showing posts with the label St. Michael the Archangel

The Interview

Interviewer:   "Hello,  and welcome to Mystical Talk Radio, I'm John of Mystical Talk.  We have with us a woman who says that she is a warrior in the true mystical sense of the word.  Welcome Miss Anne.  Now I want our listeners to know that Anne is not her real name, our guest only agreed to the interview on the condition that we not reveal her identity, is that correct Miss Anne?  Miss Anne:   "Yes." Interviewer:   "And Anne is not your real name of course." Miss Anne:   "No, I'm afraid not." Interviewer:   "Well tell us Miss Anne, our show is Mystical Talk Radio and from your book,  Encounters with St. Michael the Archangel . you claim to have encountered the mystical realm, is that correct?" Miss Anne:   "Yes, many times in fact." Interviewer:  "So the mystical realm is real, is that what you are trying to tell us." TO READ MORE OF THIS INTERVIEW... CLICK HERE . 

"They Fear You."

Recently I was contacted by a young man who said he was very scared because he was experiencing demonic oppression.  He sounded terrified and didn't understand what was happening or what to do about it.   Now, normally we are called to be sceptical and not see the devil under every bush, but something about this young man's genuine fear pulled me more to belief than not.  I know that he could have had mental issues, or been just someone craving attention, but what he told me he was experiencing would dispel both of those theories.  TO READ MORE...CLICK HERE!

Connecting To Heaven

As a Mathematician I have a great hunger for knowledge.  I seek knowledge in Mathematics like a bulldog would, I dig in, latch on, and don't let go until I have what I want.  Because this is the method I have used to acquire knowledge, it was no surprise that I would employ these same techniques when it came to seeking after God.     It is written,  "there is no one who seeks God" , well I did.   I went after God, and sought Him diligently  and by God's grace I will tell what I found.  ..... TO READ MORE...CLICK HERE!

Vision of Eucharist (Part I)

It's time. This is what I saw.  The words underneath the vision of the Eucharist is what I heard.  A man's voice, gentle, but with authority to it that you did not question.  Now the history.... TO READ MORE CLICK HERE.