How God Called Me in the Confessional

Three years ago, this past weekend, I went to confession and experienced something I never thought would happen. As I finished my confession, I told the Pastor that my husband and I were transferring to his Parish. I said that I would call him the following week to see where I might best fit from a volunteer perspective. And — that is the moment when God called me! God Called Me So, with a long line waiting outside of the Confessional, the Pastor proceeded to ask me about myself. I told him what I did in the past as a volunteer, and what I do now, as an adjunct professor of Theology, and then it came – boom! “You know, I just had my RCIA Coordinator tell me that he is moving, and I’ll need a new RCIA Coordinator. Would you like to do that?” Here I am sitting in the Confessional, technically talking to Christ (along with the pastor). How could I say no? Up to that point, my only participation with the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) was as a sponsor (for about t...