Bury the Dead: A Corporal Work of Mercy

In this Year of Mercy, I continue to cover at least one or more of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy each month. Given that today is Memorial Day, a day where we remember those who have given their lives in service to the United States of America, I thought it fitting that we should cover the corporal work of mercy to bury the dead. When you think of burying the dead, you think of attending someone’s funeral, correct? In one sense that is exactly what this corporal work of mercy requires us to do: to bury the dead by giving them a place of rest in a grave or urn. Every human being deserves to be treated with dignity; ever more so in death, by preparing that place of rest until the Second Coming of Christ, when Jesus will raise us all to new life. Until that day though, we all need that place of rest for our physical bodies. Honoring the dead is part of the work of mercy to bury the dead. On this day, I remember my dad, a World War II veteran... Read more...