Hearts and Letters and Grilles, O My

Hi - I'm Nancy. So glad to meet you! I know that in the blog world I look a lot like a grille (not the kind you cook on, although if you have a nice filet mignon on hand, please feel free to throw it my way). It's actually a pretty good likeness. I'm kinda square, working toward becoming hole-y, trying to stop my habit of making Shamefully Lame Puns. If you've checked out The Cloistered Heart, you might know what the grille means to me. I also do a blog called The Breadbox Letters . There I share old paintings, writings (mostly from saints), and occasional stories about.. oh various and sundry things. Like the husband I had when I was eight , and blue velvet ribbons on purple cake, and about the day I tried to get Sister Rita to put her shiny white pearls on over her habit. You know, the usual. When I'm not blogging, I love spending time with my family, spoiling my grandchildren, reading, and watching stacks o...