
Showing posts with the label objective truth

Find Justice in an Unjust Society

When we look at the concept of justice from a subjective point of view, we will wind up with a variety of “opinions” on how to define justice. What seems just and fair to one individual, might seem unjust to another. And therein lies the conflict. However, if we look at the definition of justice objectively, we can come to a consensus of truth in the definition of justice. So, to find justice in what seems like an unjust society we must first look at the objective definition of justice. Find Justice in the Objective Truth The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines Justice as respect for “the rights of each and to establish in human relationships the harmony that promotes equity with regard to persons and to the common good.”  1  So, here we see, that Justice is not what’s right for only me, but I must take into account respect for all persons and strive for equity among all. With a common definition to rely upon, we must now look at where we see injustice within so...

Biases Contradict Disinterestedness

When we stay entrenched in a specific point of view, many times it is because our biases contradict disinterestedness.  The virtue of disinterestedness calls for us to assess situations and/or perform actions without biased motives. Jurors, for example, are called to places their biases at the door and act with objectivity; to be open to listening to all the facts, forming an impartial decision on guilt or innocence. Biases Contradict Disinterestedness in the United States As citizens of the United States, we entrench ourselves in our camps of liberal and conservative, with a virtual 50/50 split. The biases embraced by both sides inhibit us all from seeing God’s objective truth. As citizens, we fail to listen to the facts; the objective truth. Instead, we spin the truth to meet our previously conceived opinions. By doing so, we embrace moral relativism and diverge from objective truth. As individuals, and as a country, we need to ... Read more...

Assault on the Objective Truth

Lately, I feel like there has been a major assault on the objective truth. We hear phrases like “alternative facts,” or “truth isn’t truth!” Politicians and the media put so much spin on the truth, that we feel like we are spiraling out of orbit! No longer do we know who, or what, to believe. Whatever happened to everyone having a clear understanding of objective truth based upon facts? The Old Testament attests that God is  the source of all truth . His Word is truth. His Law is truth…Since God is ‘true,’ the members of his people are called to live in the truth.  1 Subjective Truth vs. Objective Truth Apparently, we are living in some sort of truth. It’s subjective truth, rather than objective truth. Subjective truth is when we choose to believe what we want to believe because it is convenient for us. We discard some facts, because they don’t fit our preconceived notions. When we embrace subjective truth, we... Read more...

Hunger for Moral Clarity - Fill the Moral Vacuum with Truth

As a Theology professor, who teaches morality, at the undergraduate level, I can no longer remain silent. I perceive a real hunger for moral clarity, in our society, given the grave number of immoral acts emanating from our halls of government, here in the United States. A Moral Act Let’s start with a definition of a moral act, so that we are all on the same page. A moral act has three components: a deliberated choice, moral content and it’s personal. So, as an example, let’s take a tweet on Twitter. It is a deliberate choice to tweet. When the content of the tweet uses demeaning language aimed at another person, it has moral content, because the dignity of another individual is at stake. When that tweet attacks the personal character of another individual, it’s definitely personal. Read more...

Chasing Liberty, by Theresa Linden – Finding Authentic Freedom

Chasing Liberty , by Theresa Linden, is the first in a dystopian trilogy of books centered around a young woman. Liberty resides in futuristic Aldonia; a city where authentic freedom, familial love and objective truth have been squashed by government forces aimed at controlling the population. Without the freedom to grow up in a family with a mother and father, Liberty tries to make her own way in a society that allows little choice. As Liberty approaches adulthood, she is told by the government what her vocation will be: that of breeder. Apparently, she has exquisite genes and intelligence; so great, that the government decided that she would spend her fertile years giving birth to as many children as possible, via in vitro fertilization. She would never know if the children she carried were her own. In addition, she would be the nanny for groups of them for the first five years of their lives. Once the children reach the age of five, they relocate to another f...

Moral Behavior: Are We Losing Sight of Objective Truth?

I am an adjunct professor of Theology, who specifically teaches a morality course at the undergraduate level. Given the recent shooting at a Republican baseball practice, and the ensuing remarks from Congressional representatives that “we are on one team,” I was encouraged by the willingness of both parties to place vitriol commentary into the history books; to reset, so to speak, and begin toning down the rhetoric. However strong this intention may be, the spirit is weak. It will take more than mere effort to be more civil to one another. There is an underlying concern that must be addressed to allow civility to flourish. As a society, we must face objective truth, together. Objective Truth The belief in objective truth seems to have taken a back seat to such erroneous concepts of morality as situation ethics, proportionalism and consequentialism. But before I get ahead of myself here, by diving too deep into these topics, let’s first define objective truth, as it is my greate...