Find Justice in an Unjust Society

When we look at the concept of justice from a subjective point of view, we will wind up with a variety of “opinions” on how to define justice. What seems just and fair to one individual, might seem unjust to another. And therein lies the conflict. However, if we look at the definition of justice objectively, we can come to a consensus of truth in the definition of justice. So, to find justice in what seems like an unjust society we must first look at the objective definition of justice. Find Justice in the Objective Truth The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines Justice as respect for “the rights of each and to establish in human relationships the harmony that promotes equity with regard to persons and to the common good.” 1 So, here we see, that Justice is not what’s right for only me, but I must take into account respect for all persons and strive for equity among all. With a common definition to rely upon, we must now look at where we see injustice within so...