The Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene

Today is the Feast Day of Saint Mary Magdalene, friend, and follower of Christ. Known throughout the centuries as the repentant sinner, she represents us all. We see in Luke (8:1-3) and Mark (16:9) where Christ exorcised her from seven demons. These seven demons relate to the seven deadly sins (anger, envy, gluttony, greed, laziness, lust, and pride). Saint Mary Magdalene proves to all of us that: God loves each one of us, regardless of what we did in the past God can do wonderful things with each of us, if only we open our hearts to him. Saint Mary Magdalene, Follower of Christ We first learn of Mary Magdalene in the Gospel of Luke. Here, Luke describes Jesus’ travels through the town of Magdala. It was here that Jesus... Read more...