A Father Ignatius Story:Memories, memories. by Victor S.E. Moubarak.

UBI CARITAS ET AMOR. DEUS IBI EST. Father Ignatius was certainly the product of his up-bringing. Raised in a poor family who had known real hardship; yet at the same time a family held together, despite all the turmoil that life threw at them, by a common bond of mutual love and basic Christian principles. It’s because of his up-bringing, and because he grew up with very little materially, that he developed a habit of frugality and saving whatever he could rather than wasting it away. He had taken a private vow of poverty when he became a priest, and since then he spent as little as possible on himself. He was not mean in the sense of avarice since anything he had, or whatever else came his way in terms of money or goods, he eagerly shared with the poor in his parish. The little he kept for himself was usually either books or certain items he had collected over the years and kept for their sentimental value. One Friday afternoon he decided to clear up the sp...