St Genesius, Blogging, Ireland and me.

Hello to all the readers and bloggers, here at the Association of Catholic Woman Bloggers. I am delighted to have been asked to blog here occasionally. Thanks for the invite. I live in the historic town of Drogheda, on the east coast of Ireland (home to the shrine of St Oliver Plunkett ). I am happily married to Christopher (who blogs at Catholicus ), we have four children, whom we are trying to raise in the Faith in what now feels like "post Catholic" Ireland. Ireland is in a difficult place at the moment, the economic recession has hit hard, and our new "liberal agenda" government seem intent on as many social changes as possible, while no one is looking, (as many people are simply too busy worrying about day to day living). In terms of the Catholic faith, it simply feels like the Church is under continuous attack, both from within and without. (Well, that's enough misery for one paragraph, but remember if you can, spare a prayer for Ireland, we real...