Prayers asked for Columban Fr Aminiasi Ravuwai

Fr Aminiasi Ravuwai Today we Columbans received this email from our Superior General Fr Andrei Paz: With a heavy heart, I write to request your prayers for our dear brother, Fr Aminiasi Ravuwai. Recently, Amini has been hospitalized in Lima, and after undergoing a series of tests, it has been confirmed that he has an inoperable tumor in his pancreas. He is experiencing significant pain, which has left him unable to travel for medical treatment outside of Peru. This news has deeply affected him and all of us who care for him. In this difficult time, prayers are needed for Amini’s strength and peace, as well as for the grace to face the challenges ahead. I also ask for prayers for the Columbans in the Region of South America and for his family, who are dealing with this difficult news. The Columbans in Lima are deeply moved by his suffering, and his family is grappling with the emotional weight of this situation. Amini’s loved ones, both near and far, are struggling with the uncertainty ...