Welcome Anna Eastland to ACWB

I'm a red-headed writer with a big family, just like my childhood heroine Anne of Green Gables. I love writing, poetry, laughing with friends, and sharing the adventure of parenting with fellow moms. I was born in Alberta but grew up all over BC with my three brothers, so I've always been a bit of a tomboy, and like climbing trees better than going to the mall. I have always wanted to help people understand each other better through writing, and love how writing can help people all over the world connect on a far deeper level than I would have imagined before I began blogging. I have boxes of old stories from childhood and journals and poetry from my teenage years, but they had generally remained classified 'top-secret' due to shyness. Motherhood really helped me overcome that and become more willing to take risks and be myself. Now I blog, write articles for the paper, give talks to fellow moms, and have a newly published anthology with 4 other moms, includ...