Why We Protect the Unborn: My Personal Story

I am so glad that I was born prior to the Roe vs. Wade decision that made the right to abortion the law of the land. You see, I was born with severe clubbed feet. At birth, the doctors and nurses offered my mother their condolences, as they all thought I would never walk. They perceived me to be a burden to my parents. Had I been born a generation later, the doctors would have seen my deformity in utero , and the option to abort would have been available to my mother. I am living proof as to why we should protect the unborn! Why We Should Protect the Unborn Had my mother aborted me, then I would not have been able to: Grow to my full potential Fall in love with my husband of the past 40 years Earn three degrees (BS in Management, MBA in Finance and a MA in Pastoral Theology) Become an adjunct professor, shaping minds for the future Become an author of a children’s book that teaches children the value of patience Share my talents with others Bring souls to Christ vi...