Lenten Reflection for Wednesday, April 2-To Those in Darkness: Show Yourselves:

Reading 1 IS 49:8-15 , Responsorial Psalm PS 145:8-9, 13CD-14, 17-18 , Gospel JN 5:17-30 In the first reading from Isiah, God promises a covenant to the people that will restore the land. In issuing this covenant, The Lord does not simply wave a magic wand and transform evil into good. If someone wants to be saved, God gives instructions that must be obeyed. For example, God commands ” the prisoners: Come out!/ To those in darkness: Show yourselves!” First people must listen and obey God’s call to step out of the darkness into the light of truth, step away from their old ways and start on the spiritual journey. Once they have chosen the path, the Lord will have pity on them. As the Lord leads them on the road of salvation, He will supply their need for food and water, cut paths through the mountains and make level the highway.The fact that the God of the entire universe takes time to comfort His people and show mercy to the afflicted shoul...