Spiritual Works of Mercy Make Lent Meaningful

Looking for something uplifting to do this Lent that increases your own spiritual awareness? Look no further than the Spiritual Works of Mercy. Spiritual Works of Mercy Counseling the Doubtful : Encourage someone who is struggling with their faith to speak with your parish priest, where they can receive the answers needed to grow in faith. Instructing the Ignorant : Volunteer and participate in faith formation groups in your parish. Becoming a Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) sponsor is a great place to start. At this time of crisis, look for ways to communicate virtually (by phone, Skype, or Google Hangout, to name just a few ways). Admonishing the Sinner : Without judging, help others find their way to correct their mistakes. Start by learning what the Church teaches on the topic in question. You can learn more at... Read more...