Is Life Too Chaotic for You? Seek Peace!

Summertime is usually the time when we kick back and take a vacation. We use this time to recharge our batteries. Not so, for me, this year! I’ve been working on the remodeling of our master bathroom, due to a leak in our shower pan, since April! We’re getting there, but we’re not done yet. On top of that, I’m heading to Maine, mid-month, for a faculty meeting. Then at the end of the month, I’m off to Lancaster, PA to speak at a writer’s conference. In between, I’m creating a new seven-week presentation on the Uniqueness of Catholicism . Yes, life is too chaotic for me! It’s time for me to seek Peace. Seek Peace I take a mini break every week for an hour, sitting before the Blessed Sacrament. This is my favorite hour, every week, because it is my time to bask in Christ’s Peace. Every week, I walk out of the Church feeling as if I had a massage. Being with Christ is quite relaxing, because ... Read more...