Feast of Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra

The Feast of Saint Nicholas is one of my favorite feast days for a few reasons. First, this day marks my husband, Nick’s, Feast Name Day. Happy Feast Name Day Nick! Second, I just love the story of Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra! Let me tell you some interesting facts about this holy man. The Real Saint Nicholas Saint Nicholas was born into wealth, in 270 A.D., in a town along the southern coast of Turkey. He was raised as a devout Christian. However, his parents died, from an epidemic, when Nicholas was very young. They left their money to Nicholas. Literally following the biblical passage, “ sell what you own and give the money to the poor ,” (Matt 19:21), Nicholas used all his wealth to give aid and comfort to the sick and the poor. Therefore, known for his generosity, Saint Nicholas has become... Read more...