This mom's life

Hello! Thanks so much for the invite, I am truly honored. I am in the throes of what is a pretty usual day; 67 things to squeeze in, and that's just before lunch. How to prioritize is the key. Today, as too many days of late, I did not make it to daily mass. Big sigh. But when I decided to start blogging, my inspiration was to reach other women with the message that no matter how overwhelming your life looks at any given moment, God can reach into it and give it a completely new spin. My blog title, albeit a tad long, includes the word "unconventional" because I think so many of us feel a bit on the outside if our lives include the messy situations as a result of sins and failings~ our own, others, you name it. But there is so much hope and mercy to be had at the hands of Him who died for us. So much encouragement in our present moments. He waits for us in His church, desires our prayers, our conversation, our messy lives. He looks upon us as a father looks fondly upo...