10 Minute Daily Retreat: Spiritual Gift of Understanding Reflection 3

Life's path is never straight. There may be smooth stretches, but they don’t last. A dead end causes our plans to screech to a halt. A fork in the road forces us to make an unexpected decision. A hidden obstacle trips us up. If we fall hard enough, the injury is not only painfully inconvenient, but sometimes it signals the end. Or does it? Would it make any difference if we followed the voice of a trusted Global Positioning System? (GPS) This examines all the possible routes and – within its robotic limitations – directs us away from the no through roads and back onto the path. If we switched on our inner GPS, by sitting in quiet prayer, we are likely to hear the Voice of God. However, there is one significant difference... Read More: http://susannetimpani.blogspot.com.au/