Why Modesty Is Not Subjective

Hi there, ya'll! The modest fashion world is one very diverse place. Even among Catholics, the definition of "modest apparel" can vary greatly from person to person. Recently I joined a Facebook group that advertised itself as a haven for Catholic women of all ages to share ideas for modest style and makeup and was hoping to learn more about modesty from my fellow Catholic sisters. After a few days of being a member, though, I sadly left the group feeling a bit discouraged. No two members seemed to agree on ANY aspect of modesty whatsoever, and the prevailing theme of the whole group was that modesty is subjective, it means something different for each woman and each woman gets to decide what she considers is "modest". One woman very emphatically declared that she wears bikinis every summer to the beach and doesn't feel that this violates the virtue of modesty in the least. The same woman also announced that she was never g...