Repenting Requires True Contrition

It’s not enough to say, “I’m sorry.” True contrition means that in the depths of our souls we seek a conversion of heart. We want to change our ways, with the goal of becoming a better person in the eyes of God and neighbor. That’s true repentance; true contrition of heart. Yet, how often do we slip back into repetitive sin? Identifying the Root Cause of Our Sins Lent is the perfect time to dig deep and learn the reason(s) why we commit the same sins repeatedly. There is a root cause, and that root cause usually pertains to one of the seven deadly sins. Anger “ arises when an evil persists in the face of our resistance or when a good remains beyond our grasp, despite our efforts.” 1 Envy stems from feelings of inadequacy that result in an inordinate desire for the goods of others. Gluttony causes you to ... Read more...