Whisper His Name

Father was a no show at the 8 a.m. Holy Mass today. The old man stood at the back door waiting for him, he said he had talked to Father and that he had said he would be there. At 8:02, we decided to have a communion service. Jim, wonderful servant of God, did the service for us. One of the men came up to me and a woman that I was speaking to after the service. You never saw this man without his rosary in his hand. It gave me such hope to see one so faithful every day to the Rosary of our Blessed Mother. He came over and speaking to the woman spewed a derogatory comment about Father. My heart dropped. The woman agreed and joined in the bashing. This isn't the first I had heard of this, and every time I hear it, it broke my heart. They invited me to McDonald's for breakfast, I declined and said I would stay and pray. The woman said to me, "Well he needs it!" (Meaning Father.) What she didn't know was...