Selfishness is Unfulfilling

People who act selfishly do so because something is lacking in their life. There is a neediness to compensate for lack of self-esteem, money, prestige, and/or security. A selfish person looks out for himself, at the expense of others. By their actions alone, one can see that selfishness is unfulfilling. Selfishness is Unfulfilling For example: When a person must be seen as #1, the best at what they do, it is usually because of low self-esteem. Even when they receive praise for their work, it rings hollow due to disbelief. Because of the low self-esteem, the selfish person finds it difficult in sharing credit with teammates, resulting in the perennial jockeying for first place among one’s peers, even at the expense of the efforts of others. A selfish and greedy person can never have enough money. The fear of being poor is intolerable. So, the selfish person climbs over others to get what they want. Yet, once they get more money, the need to obtain even more money surfaces. A vicio...