
Showing posts with the label faith in God

Praise - Acrostic Poem

PRAISE        P raise R ise A spire I lluminate S oar E nlighten ©   2012 Donna De Guglielmo We are called to be ambassadors of and for God. We live move and have our being in Him. What are you doing today or doing soon for Him? It does not matter the size of it. He loves us.  I even offer to brush my teeth up to Him. All I do. Share below in the comments, we all want to know and help one another through our prayer time. Another great poem to show love to the Lord is  here . Thank you, Blessings; God Loves You!! God is paradise. We are His to soar in His grace and mercy

God is Not Fair - Insights and A-ha's (Book Review Reflection)

"WOW" Moments  The Month of May has been trying but also one of the most spiritually fruitful of my life.  After putting off a routine mammogram for nearly 5 years, I finally went.  The test revealed an enlarged lymph node - I am happy to report it was finally determined to be due to inflammation [You can listen to the MIRACULOUS story evolving that on t his special episode of A Seeking Heart with Allison Gingras  - it is NOT everyday one receives a favor from a Almost-Saint]. As the Lord, slowly walked me through this valley, Fr. Horan's words were equal parts comforting and inspiring. This was a time of acute awareness to pray always with urgency but without anxiety.  Here are some other "WOW" moments gleamed during that time from the pages of  God is Not Fair : We are not better than anyone else.  Regardless of what blessings God has allowed in your life, what talents you posses, or how you use them.  Additionally, those gifts tha...

This week's word is...SURRENDER

The last two weekly words have been Faith & Trust . As I prayed about what comes next, it occurred to me that Faith, Trust, and Surrender make a perfect trilogy; three essentials for true peace-of-mind and peace-of-heart. I see them as being cyclical, a reinforcing and continual process to living our God-designed life. Faith and trust sound nice, don’t they? Very reassuring and positive. Surrender, on the other hand…that can be a tough one for many of us! When I looked up the definition of surrender, I found: to give in, give up, concede defeat, cave in, and (from Merriam-Webster) “agree to stop fighting because you know that you will not win or succeed.” Yikes, no wonder I’m not usually in a big hurry to surrender! The truth is, surrendering my will in favor of God’s will, has NEVER left me feeling defeated or unsuccessful. Read More...