
Showing posts with the label music

Praying with a Broken Heart by Sarah Hart

Sarah Hart is a prolific songwriter of faith-based songs. She has won a Grammy award for song she co-wrote for Amy Grant and a earned a gold record for a song she co-wrote for the Newsboys. This is her first video for a song called “Praying with a Broken Heart,” from her album, Above Earth’s Lamentation . In this song she describes a common prayer experience of “Where are you, God?” Click here to see the video.

Name That Summer!

© Ron Chapple Stock/Getty Images It was 3:07 on a glorious afternoon in late May. I was sitting in my car with the power turned off and the windows wide open. The baby was dozing in her car seat while we waited in the car line for the school bell to ring, signifying the end of another busy school year and the beginning of sweet, sweet summer. Read my unique tip for enjoying summer with your children at Praying with Grace !

“Late have I loved you …” St. Augustine’s dive below the surface

Lawrence OP St Augustine, Flickr Creative Commons "Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you. In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things which you created. You were with me, but I was not with you. Created things kept me from you; yet if they had not been in you they would have not been at all. You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness. You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness. You breathed your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for you. I have tasted you, now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for your peace." from The Confessions of Saint Augustine This prayer of St. Augustine reminded me that it’s not enough to ride on the surface of life. Click here to continue.

Love, Hate, and "Silent Night"

Epiphany Sunday, 2014: Isaiah 60:1 - 6 Ephesians 3:2 - 3a , 5 - 6 Matthew 2:1 - 12  Epiphany of the Lord, 2014 By Deacon Lawrence N. Kaas January 4, 2015 Epiphany is still Christmas, especially for all of us who are Gentile. The gifts we have received really do not compare to the greatest gift of all--- the babe of Bethlehem, the word made flesh and dwelt,s amongst us, is the precious Son of the Father. Music is a part of this special gift, for music is a gift from God. How many of us are put in a mood of joy and hope through music, especially Christmas music. I listened to the sound of music a week 10 days ago and even after hearing it many times it still seemed like the first time. We can even here in our minds, Bing Crosby's White Christmas and if you are on a little more of the low brow side of music you may hear Elvis singing I'll have a blue blue blue Christmas without you... (Guest post) More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Music is the soundtrack of our lives

"Music is the soundtrack of our lives." -  Dick Clark  (or  Berry Gordy , depending on who you believe said it first). Ever since I can remember, music has been in my life. My father could pick up any instrument and figure out how to play it. He was my first guitar teacher. Music kept me sane when I thought I would go insane living with my  mother . To read the rest of the article and listen to some amazing music that I posted at the end, go to Being Catholic ... Really .

A "Very Safe Place" for Music

Thanks to the power of social media, a kind-hearted editor named Elizabeth Scalia and the willingness of folks to donate money to strangers, Stretto Youth Chamber Orchestra now is just $2,500 short of its goal, down from $4,000 10 days ago when I first started pestering people about it. In case you missed it: The money being raised is to ensure all orchestra members can go on tour. The orchestra is remarkable because Stretto gathers children from a wide range of backgrounds - from boarding schools to foster homes - to make beautiful classical music. Keep Reading...

Seven Quick Takes for Friday

1. It's snowing here. Hard. The Northeast of the United States is expecting a major blizzard. Our home is ready with newly made beeswax candles, food, unread books and for me, some cross-stitch. My husband and I worry we will lose power; Superstorm Sandy showed up the infrastructure here is pretty fragile.   Keep Reading... 

Reflecting the Human Longing for Beauty: Paraorchestra

Reflecting the Human Longing for Beauty: Paraorchestra The  British Paraorchestra , which features world-class musicians with disabilities, just released this  youtube recording .   Let's help it go viral. I can't stop playing this piece. Perhaps this is how the Mystery sees us: Keep reading here...

Contemplating Teens and Tchiakovsky

Contemplating Teens and Tchaikovsky Helping teens navigate adolescence is not for the faint of heart. I teach teens. My husband and I are raising one, and soon, two, teens. The adolescent years are as tumultuous, as full of questioning and confusion, as the toddler years. Sometimes, I find out things I would rather not know. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that the Mystery is imbedded in all reality and that all of us, even teens who make poor decisions, are redeemable miracles. Keep Reading...

My Dad's 99th birth anniversary

My ordination day, 20 December 1967, with Dad, Mam and my brother Paddy.  My late Dad, John Coyle, was born 99 years ago today - or possibly yesterday. He was never quite sure whether his birthday was the 26th or 27th but finally opted for the latter. He is still the biggest influence in my life because of the quiet way he lived his deep faith as a husband, father, neighbour, carpenter and general foreman for many years on building sites. One of his strongest characteristics was his respect for others. He went to Mass every day, including the day he died suddenly, 11 August 1987.  Dad also influenced my taste in popular music. He loved a good tune. Sometimes he would 'doodle' on the piano but couldn't play it. One of his great favourites was Charlie Kunz, in the video above, an American-born bandleader and pianist who settled in England. He would sometimes tell me about the time he saw Charlie perform in the old Theatre Royal in Dublin before World War II. He and m...

"The Pianist:" Brutality and Beauty

I'd forgotten all about the movie "The Pianist," which was released in 2002 and won the Palme D'Or until several of my freshman students began talking to me about it. They had seen the parts of this movie in eighth grade, during a quarter-long study of the Holocaust and were deeply moved by it. I'd never seen the movie and wanted to be able to talk with them about it. This is a brutal, magnificent movie. It speaks of the human spirit and its struggle to survive. Based largely on the true story of classical pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman, it gives witness to the life of  gifted Polish pianist, a Jew, who managed to survive in Warsaw during World War II while hundreds of thousands of Jews were exterminated in death camps. Szpilman is portrayed by actor Adrien Brody, then 29, who won an Academy Award for his work. Read more »

Make a Joyful Noise: Garbage Cans in Picadilly

Delighted to discover someone passing by had taped my friend's son while he was visiting Picadilly Circus with his American family. Gabriel is the youngest of four boys.  -Allison Salerno