'Feed my sheep' fine - but 'feed my cat'?

Tigresa and Whitey, two of my three cats As a priest who loves cats I couldn't resist this story from the blog of Bishop-elect Thomas Dowd, soon to be auxiliary bishop of Montreal. I'm simply and shamelessly copying and pasting from his blog, Waiting in Joyful Hope . I don't know if he's distantly related to me. My maternal grandmother was Annie Dowd from County Meath, the 'Royal County' . Post for July 25, 2011 Christopher Curtis, in his recent article on me in the Montreal Gazette , includes this quote: “The job can be a lot of things. When I worked for a hospital, I was on call and you would get everything from a multiple victim car accident to a guy who is sick and needs you to feed his cat.” In case you were wondering about the reference to a cat, it is from an incident that took place on March 7, 2006. My older posts are still in archives for the moment, but I thought I’d fish this one out and repost it (with just a bit of editing to help it make sens...